Shopping Cart
Software Features |
SearchFit is committed to developing a long-lasting
relationship with its customers, as we know that our success is based directly
on their success. Our innovative, creative html shopping cart designs are
attractive, persuasive and easy-to-use visual interfaces for companies of
all sizes. Our shopping cart software is a powerful hosted
database driven ecommerce solution for merchants and professional site designers
alike. More than just a shopping cart software, our shopping cart system
is a scalable enterprise level ecommerce engine that can handle unlimited
transactions. It has all the features to attract attention and business
to your online store.
Setup Features |
- Build completely static pages
- Full browser control panel
- 5 level product structure
- Automated navigation, site map and more
- Set up great product pages optimzed for search engines
by importing existing product data or entering new information.
- Template and product setup or import via SearchFit.
- Help files included in the admin area for all areas of
product setup.
- Products can be imported from CommaSeparatedValues or
TabSeparatedValues files. Ability to import categories,
subcategories, products, options, manufacturer name, metatags,
headings, etc.
- Vendors can be imported and assigned to products for
the new drop shipping feature.
- Ability to delete, create new or update existing records
when importing
- Order / Quick Books database export .
- Super fast hml code generation.
- Setup for affiliates with reseller login.
- Vendor/ service login with automated drop shipping order
system per vendor.
- Custom invoice/ order/email templates
- Ability to enable/disable a partucular customized link/page
to be included in the generated sitemap.
- Choose between standard and parallel layouts on the 2nd
checkout page.
- Include a custom help link on the second checkout page
to explain things like the credit card security id.
- Support of web services. Currently the following SearchFit's
features are exposed as WebServices:
- do-test : just a test service
- do-import-store-records : import records to the store
- do-generate : start generation (and possible transfer)
- do-import-orders : import orders' information
SearchFit's web services are mostly used from programmers
and developers and allow them to integrate SearchFit with
their own software.
Product Features |
- Ability to display multiple products per row with optional
product photos.
- Ability to choose number of product is displayed per page
(Max 50)
- Unlimited number of product's options (color,size,weight,length....).
Drop Box, Check Box, Radio Button, or Text Box can be used
for options. Ability to set extra charges for options.
- Ability to display/ not to display number of products
in a category.
- Ability to display/ short or detailed description per
product on category pages.
- Ability to display/ not to display category description.
- Product Search via Product Keyword,category and brand
or vendor.
- Ability to browse product by category or manufacturer/brand.
- Custom Search Function available.
- Different product types, categories, sub - categories
and products can use different design templates.
- Products can be sorted by name, manufacture, or SKU and
categories to be updated with default values using specified
- Ability to return the number of product from search function
- Import Product Data via spreadsheet or add single products
to control panel.
- External Database Query via Foreign Database ID for product
stock display ect.
- Product update via for foreign database ID to SearchFit
Database ID.
- Custom Product Templates.
- Ability to display multiple products per row.
- External Database Query via Foreign Database ID for Product
stock ect..
- Product update via for foreign database ID to SearchFit
Database ID.
- Ability to query via XML Sheet the SearchFit Database
(Custom Programming)
- Ability to add "Separator Products" to category and subcategory
pages in order to create multiple product sections per category/subcategory
- A categorytype can be configured to be of type "Generate
Manufacturers", which means that the engine will generate
static pages for all manufacturers that have products assigned.
You are able to specify if the structure should or should
not contain subusers. The structure of the new generated
menu will be as follows:
- CategoryType (of generation type = Manufacturers)
-- Manufacturer 1
--- Category
--- Category
-- Manufacturer 2
--- Category
--- Category
-- Manufacturer 3
Shopping Cart Design |
- Design your site to your own specifications. Use your
preferred methods, including HTML, CSS, Flash and JavaScript
to layout your page.
- Create a great looking, fully customizeable, highly usable
design using SearchFit's feature packed, template based
- 100% your own Design - HTML based - CSS Style.
- Works with virtually any type of code, including Flash
and JavaScript.
- Ability to use multiple CSS, Category and Product Layout
- Full Generic Web site Integration with 5 Level Web Site
Navigation. Or use your Own Navigation System.
- HTML: easy to use database plugins via include text including:
- Auto Generated Subscribe and Unsubscribe.
- Auto Generated Search Form/Page.
- Auto Generated Drop down Menu.
- Customized Category Display
- Web Site Check Order Status Link.
- Features auto-generated sitemap descriptions of the categories,
subcategories, and products included on every page.
- Automated 404 Error Protection with integrated missing
HTML Function.
- All Standard Text and Text Link "Labels" can be changed
to images, buttons,
- or different text.
- Time and date display for the last time Web site was
- Custom Order form fields for each different Product Main
or Sub Category.
- Integration of Support Web pages to the Shopping Cart
- Easy Image Upload with automated Unzip Function for Multiple
Images via .zip file
- Options to have .php or .htm or html file extension.
Shopping Cart Marketing Tools |
- Ability to view report by orders, country, state, order
status, customer, and/or date
- Perform custom data exports
- Send e-mail newsletters / mailing list
- Ability to send an email text or html format to all registered
customers simultaneously
- Mailto feature supports now a "url_success"
field for form submission.
- Users can setup an email address, to receive emails of
the orders in Text format for wireless devices that do not
support html.
- Ability to set commision rate (percentage or amount)
for affiliation.
- Detail statistics on orders per user store with commision
- Induvidual Reseller website setup with external hosting
and custom web design.
- Recommend to a friend
- Customer wishlist.
- "Products Sold Report" is available in the REPORTS
By orders area. It shows the products sold for a given period
of time.
Multi User & Server System |
- Excel in your industry by quickly creating multiple, customized
websites based on your original that draw from the same
product database.
- Individual Affiliate Shopping Carts managed via ChiefAdmin.
- Multi User Systems with Multi Domain Names managed via
5 Level Admin.
- Customize a shopping cart for each user in Selling Price
/ Design / Language etc.
- Discount or Surcharge percentage can be specified for
each user.
- Multi Server System with cost effective shared traffic
- Multi server hosting for each sub user.
- Sales and commission statistics for each sub user.
- User specific category and product configuration.
- A level of permission can be granted to another user to
be able to change the prices of the products only and no
other product's properties.
- Special level of access "ServiceUsers and Vendor"
(e.g., drug store pharmacists) to login and approve orders
based on the answers given by the buyers (or by calling
them directly). If activated, only the approved orders can
be processed.
- Co-Branding for large Searchfit reseller or partner is
now available. Call for details.
- Rapidly create multiple stores.
- Focus on your key product areas
- Add your products to any site
- Affiliate/Reseller Commission based functions
- Adjustable permissions/per user levels
- Ability to not display customers' credit card numbers
to specified user (employee). More level Security Passwords.
- Two more supported languages are now available: English
II and English III. These can be assigned to users to allow
them to have different descriptions of the same categorytypes,
categories, products.
- User screen displays online status per users.
- The ChiefAdmin user can restrict the Credit Cards viewing
to selected role.
Customer Friendly Shopping Cart |
- Easy navigation
- Multiple search methods
- Secure checkout area
- Coupons / discounts
- Become a member
- Send e-mail newsletters
- Order progress bar
- Ability to check order status
- Ability to order with/without setting up account
- Ability to choose different shipping methods
- Special keywords can be used in the "thank you"
page that will be replaced with the corresponding values
of the placed order.
- Members can close their accounts if they want
- Custom wishlist with member setup.
- Custom payment methods per member
- Custom special prices
- Super fast loading web pages - no database queries
- Search results can be sorted by Price: lowest first and
Price: highest first.
In House Design |
- Sites built by SEO professionals.
- SearchFit template web design..
- Expert top ranking consultation.
- Professional graphic design service.
- Advanced programming service available for custom cart
features in house design and development.
Help & Tech Support |
- Toll free customer service line.
- Email spport and live chat.
- Integrated online help file system (administration panel).
- SearchFit flash tutorial.
- SearchFit PDF & HTML tutorial.
- SearchFit discussion forum including toll free customer
service line.
- SearchFit discussion forum including programmer help.
- More language tech support.
SEO Features |
- Cart designed for search engine optimization structure
internal linksystem
- Bring more traffic and sales to your site by creating
search engine friendly pages with SearchFit's optimization
tools and features.
- SearchFit is the first web based shopping cart that truly
allows search engine bots and spiders to visibly grab and
cache your pages.
- SearchFit offers more control and uses the correct html,
text and keyword frequency so your pages and products can
be seen by the Search Engines
- Full static html, optimized page generation - 50,000 html
page gerations in less then 18 min.
- Fully automated html web site generation with new web
site creation date for search engine robot rescrolling.
- Integrated product-specified page title/meta/description
tags for each user.
- Build product pages loaded with content.
- Heading text (H1 to H6) for all product levels per user.
- Builds link text summary links in 5 levels.
- New functions enable the metatags (title, keywords, description)
of the products and categories to be updated with default
values using specified rules.
- Page / product specific elements for search engine optimization.
- Custom page and category naming for better keyword frequency.
- Building 5 level product pages - category type page -
category page - sub category - short description page and
detail description page each product.
- Integrated link popularity system for reciprocal and inbound
links. Social link - system beetwen SearchFit member websites
shopping network. ( No link farm)
- Possible automated square linking between all sub or affiliate
- Auto generated site map for deep scrolling robots.
- No more doorway pages with irritating junk URLs - real
related URLs with keywords.
- Included search engine submission with single main page
- Product keyword optimization on the complete document.
Automated tool for renaming title / meta information / html
document / asset files /. ( Keyword frequency optimization
tool per single document for better inbounding link and
text frequency. SEO optimizationtool)
- High Text Integration for every single html doc. via
tool special important for large documents
- FileName words separator: underscore or dash. Will be
used when generating the filenames for the categorytypes,
categories, subcategories, products, manufacturers. This
is required as some search engines do not consider the underscore
character as a words separator anymore.
Taxes & Currencies |
- Ability to set tax on shipping/handling fees
- Ability to set multiple state taxes and country taxes.
- Ability to set/exclude sales tax for orders via PayPal.
- Ability to set tax or mark up on shipping and handling
- Ability to set exchange rates for all currencies.
- PayPal is supported. New option with name "include
sales tax". Select "no" only if PayPal calculates
the sales tax by itself, so SearchFit will exclude the sales
tax from the total when processes the order via PayPal.
- Supports USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and JPY currencies with PayPal.
- List prices in any currency
- Full international tax setup per user
Discounts & Coupons |
- Percentage/amount discount or free shipping discount
- Coupons/Discounts can be assigned to categorytypes, categories,
products, and manufacturers
- All kind of discount can be asign to the online store
- Valid to non-members, members, or special members
- Valid between specified dates
- Numbers of coupon available
- Valid with minimum purchase of quanity and/or amount.
- Discount or special prices can asign to every shopping
cart member.
- General discount and payment requirement can asign to
each special member.
- Special discount can asgin to each product for example
pay one get one for free
- Discounts can now be created in this format: a) buy x
items and buy y of them at Z% discount (example: buy 2 t-shirts
and buy the 2nd one at 50% off).
- Store/groups, allow products to be grouped. Discounts
can be configured for the created groups using the store/discounts
Shipping & Handling Methods |
- Ability to ship order to billing address only.
- Unlimted shipping methods are supported.
- Shipping / handling charges can be specified based on
purchase amount real time connection with UPS, FedEx, and
USPS to estimate cost using location and weight.
- Support of freight products. Supports calculation of the
freight rates based on vendors as well.
- If buyer checks the "same as the shipping address"
checkbox first then all changes on the shipping address
will be automatically applied to the billing address. Fraud
protection setup.
- Orders automatically sent to the related vendor.
- Vendors have their own access to view orders.
- Each product can have a different associated vendor
- Automated vendor order system assigned to each product
with custom invoicing and automated notification for confirm
or paid orders for each vendor / dropshipper to induvidual
custom orders.
- The realtime USPS configuration now accepts "Express
Mail Container" and "Priority Mail Container",
which help for more accurate estimation of the S&H fees.
Support of the new USPS containers. From an USPS email:
"...Beginning November 20, 2004, two (2) corrugated
box shapes will be introduced with dimensions as follows:
11.25" x 8.75" x 6" and 14" x 12"
x 3.5". Customers must pay a flat rate of $7.70 for
items mailed in either box, regardless of weight..."
- The realtime FEDEX configuration now accepts packaging
dimensions "Height", "Width", and "Length"
for all ground services, which help for more accurate estimation
of the S&H fees.
- The S&H methods can be limited with the special [non-USA]
Payment Gateway & Security |
- Bank Card Services/ SearchFit are proudly to offer credit
card procressing services to both SearchFit's members and
non-members at the lowest rates. We approve 99% of all merchant
accounts even if you have less than perfect credit. more
info on Bank Card Services / SearchFit Credit Card Processing
- Configurable transaction types.
- Custom gateway integration available.
- For authorize.net customers: SearchFit transmits the order
numbers to the creditcard processor using the x_invoice_num
field. This means that using the authorize.net admin pages
the customers will be able easy to refer to the corresponding
SearchFit order.
- Currently Integrated Gateways:
- Authorize.net
- Bankofamerica.com
- Cybersource.com
- Ecs-world.com
- Linkpoint.com
- Innovativegateway.com
- Internetsecure.com
- Moneris.com
- Paradata.com
- Paymentech:smwp.com
- Plugnpay.com
- Verisign.com
- Worldpay.com
- Searchfit supports now "Password Required Mode" for different
payment Gateways.
- Added security check which prevents unknown websites from
using the store checkout pages.
- "Finalize Order Now" button that is on the last
checkout page changes immediately to "Please Wait!
Processing..." to prevent double clicking, and creditcard
overdraft problems.
- Visa, MasterCard, Amerian Express, Discover, Optima, Euro
Card, Diners Club, JCB, Delta, Solo, Switch, Visa Electron
, Paypal, Check, and Money Order are supported
- Secure order transaction via 128 bit Secure Server optional
Custom SSL Certificate.
- Ability to verify credit card numbers & and CC Security
- Ability to show full or partial credit card numbers (email
& order review).
- New option's properties: option number (SKU), option quantity.
These will be used if the Inventory Control is enabled.
- Additional level of security for credit card numbers
using mcrypt.
Inventory & Order Control |
- Efficiently view, manage and ship your orders using powerful
features like drop shipping and order exporting.
- Can be organized by changing the status to "in progress,"
"done order," or " bad order." The status is originally
listed with the status "new."
- Orders can be searched by country, state, and status.
- Ability to export shipping or complete order information
to print shipping labels.
- Receive e-mails warnings for low inventory.
- Inventory levels specified per product.
- Amounts adjusted automatically per purchase.
- Backordered status indicated on orders.
- "Monitor all transactions" for the PayPal payment
method helps find orders that have been paid but have not
been finalized from the buyer on the PayPal's pages.
- Quantity can be entered/imported for every product. It
will be used if the inventory control is enabled.
- Quantity threshold can be entered for every product.
It will be used if the inventory control is enabled to send
email notification when a product's quantity reaches the
- New option's properties: option number (SKU), option quantity.
These will be used if the inventory control is enabled.
- All quantities of products/options will be automatically
decreased/increased if inventory control is enabled and
there is a new order or a change of a status of an existing
order has been made.
- Added options to the "configuration per user"
that allow the inventory control to be enabled.
- Exports of products like "purchase orders"
and "inventory report" by creating corresponding
templates (see the examples)
- New template allows exports of SearchFit's orders to QuickBooks
as sales receipts.
- "Change inventory by product number (SKU)" feature
accepts quantities in the format "=X", where X
is a number. If such a format is used then the quantity
of the product(s) will be directly changed to be X.
- Emails sent to the store owners include internal information
of the orders like: store name, user name, and buyer's remote
address, buyer's remote host by address, buyer's http user
agent, and referral.
- Partial order shipment is supported.
- Ability to activate inventory control. Ability to allow/disallow
order "out of stock" items.
- Ability to set threshold for low inventory.
- Ability to set minium order ( purchase amount). Tool
special important for large documents.
- UCP code reading via webbrowser for inventory setup.
- Create order custom fields for any kind additional questions
on your shopping cart order form requird or none. Setup
additional text fields or radio button.
- Every order has a new textarea property named "internal
notes", which can be used to keep notes about the order
that will be hidden for the customer.
- ORDER_NOTES (keyword) can be used in the templates for
receipt emails. It will be replaced with the notes of the
- Search, show, export orders by customer's email.
- Ability to make a product orderable / not orderable, but
still generated on the website.
- Ability to export the "bill to" phone and fax
- Ability to export the products' inventory threshold.
- Progress history" and "internal notes"
properties can be imported from an external file by overriding
or appending to them. The same time the "Paid"
and the "Status" of the orders can be changed.
- "By phone" and the "customized" payment
methods are available and can be configured to collect billing
address OR billing address + credit card OR no billing information
on the checkout pages.
Searchfit Inc.
3638 North Rancho Drive
Suite 6-S USA
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Phone: Toll Free US
Phone: International
Fax: 1-760-736-3701
Fax: 1-702-839-2573
Copyright © 2005
All Rights Reserved. |
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